Our Philosophy is based on Sumitomo Business Philosophy, which has been passed down from generation to generation throughout Sumitomo’s 400-year history.
Sumitomo Business Philosophy was first proposed by Sumitomo Masatomo (1585-1652), the founder of Sumitomo Group. It is a concise explanation of the business acumen he left behind for posterity. Based on the “Monjuin Shiigaki” (“The Founder’s Precepts”), it has been deepened over generations by Sumitomo's predecessors. The gist of it has been carried over as the Business Principles.
Article 1. Sumitomo shall achieve strength and prosperity by placing prime importance on integrity and sound management in the conduct of its business.
Article 2. Sumitomo shall manage its activities with foresight and flexibility in order to cope effectively with the changing times. Under no circumstances, however, shall it pursue easy gains or act imprudently.
-Quoted from the Sumitomo Goshi Kaisha Administrative Regulations (formulated in 1928)
The teachings that have been handed down to Sumitomo, are based on these Business Principles. The following four teachings are the foundation of Our Philosophy and are particularly important aspects of our company especially as we look towards the future.
Integrity and sound management
To value trust above all else and to always earn the trust of others.
Enterprising spirit
Responding to the changing times and being proactive in staying one step ahead.
People are our most important asset.
It is human resources that protect, promote and nurture a company.
Benefit for self and others, private and public interests are one and the same.
We must always strive maintain a sense of gratitude to society and conduct our affairs in harmony with the public interest.